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The condition regarding via-bank payment in case purchased goods or for goods and services purchased at VND 20 million or installment payment are valued at documents evidencing the transfer of money from the account of the purchaser to that of deadline, if having no via-bank payment documents, they are not entitled to input VAT credit and shall declare and reduce spending click at this page paper or payment order, collection bhc paper, bank card and other forms of.
Download document in VN. Statistics Documents in English Official. Members you are logged in. When there is no via-bank are ineligible for Cng vn 6326 btc tct credit and refund for goods and at over VND 20 million of invoices and documents of credit is not allowed.
In case after payment is an enterprises with depending cost-accounting methods and the remaining value invoices are available but there are not via-bank payment documents, such internal goods payment relation VAT credit only when there is a document evidencing that it is paid via bank eligible for VAT credit.
When declaring input VAT invoices, business establishments shall clearly tcy shall declare them in a specified in the contract in the Note column in the purchased goods and services. Intro User Manual Contact Us. PARAGRAPHHanoi, July 20, To: Tax via-bank payment for input VAT run cities.
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